Title: Man in the Portrait Pairing: Chanyeol/Baekhyun Side Pairing(s): Kris/Baekhyun Genre: Angst, Tragedy Rating: R Word Counts: 23,781w Warning(s):[click to open]character death, language, portrait!chanyeol Summary: Chanyeol only had 24 hours when he was given a chance. Baekhyun wanted forever when everything was too late.
Title: Too Late for Regrets Pairing: Chanyeol/Baekhyun Genre: Angst, Tragedy Rating: PG-13 Warning(s):[click to open]stupid fic dump. really. Summary: Businessman!Chanyeol and teacher!Baekhyun are a couple and Chanyeol always picks Baekhyun up at the bus stop exactly at five after work and Baekhyun will always wait for his boyfriend there. Except that this time
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